My name is Cory Kosche. I am a student at Northeastern University in Boston, MA spending a semester immersing myself in the cultures of South America.

So here I am. In South America. I spent my first two months teaching English in Cusco, Peru and now I´m participating in two programs through Child Family Health International.

The first month I will spend doing ¨Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine¨in La Paz and the second month with ¨Doing More With Less-Healthcare in Remote Southern Bolivia¨ in Tarija, Bolivia.

I´m keeping this blog so that you can read about my travels through the country of Bolivia, read some advice and travelling tips, and to share what I have learned.

If you want to read about something specific, use the labels to the right, I've organized the trip into Tarija and La Paz, as well as specific aspects.

If you want to start from the beginning, Click Here

If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to Email Me

Sunday 4/13

Yesterday one of my friends from Tarija and I went out to the famous Wine Route! We got in a bus early in the morning that took us out through the beautiful Valley of Conception where there are vineyards and wineries. We got to visit over five different spots ranging from a large industrial winery to a small family owned shop where they make artisanal wines. Tarija is famous for its wine, and while I personally don't like many of them because of how sweet they are, they do have some pretty good ones!

Today me and another gringo rented bikes from this awesome agency. It only cost us just over $10 for the whole day with gear included. We took the bikes out to the neighboring pueblos of San Lorenzo, Coimata, and La Victoria.

San Lorenzo was a super quaint little pueblo with very friendly people! The day was beautiful for bikes: not too hot and not too cold.

Coimata is an awesome little spot back in the mountains with a gorgeous waterfall and natural pools to swim in.

Over all a really great day!!!

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